School Lunches

A full school meal is available cooked on the premises with an element of choice for the children.  The School Meals Service is run by Contract Dining company and a sample menu can be seen on request. A cold drink is also provided. Alternatively a packed lunch, including a sandwich or roll with a variety of fillings, cake and fruit can be purchased.


School Lunch costs

The cost for children in Years 3-6 not entitled to Frees School Meals for both hot and cold meals at present is £2.43 per day.

Dinner money should be paid in full on the first morning of the week. Please pay on Arbor.


You may be eligible for Free School Meals if you receive certain benefits. Please come and speak to the school office to find out if you are eligible.

If your child is eligible, your child will also be eligible for the Pupil Premium Grant and receive personalised support. Click here to find out more

The Menus



Packed Lunches

If you prefer, you child can bring in packed lunch brought in from home.  We try to encourage a healthy packed lunch with a healthy meal. 

Please do not include sweets, chocolate, fizzy drinks or Energy drinks.

Also, due to some children and staff having severe nut allergies, nuts are not allowed to be included in home packed lunches.


Come Dine with Me

Each week, we invite the families of one class to come and eat lunch with their child. This gives you a lovely chance to not only spend a bit of quality time with your child but also the opportunity to taste the food on offer and see what life is like at lunch time.



Before this, we also hold a special ‘Come Chat With Me’ session where you can come to discuss the school and various topics with the Head teacher.



If you are interested, reply to the email which will be sent out when your child’s class turn is here
