Looking after all our children is our number one priority. Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and we all have a part to play in keep children safe.
All staff belief that our school should provide a caring and positive, safe and stimulating environment which promotes the social, physical and moral development of all children.
Designated Safeguarding Leads
Louisa Jones
Head Teacher
Sam Coomber
Deputy Head Teacher
Jess Beer
Assistant Head Teacher
Gillie Russell
Assistant Headteacher
Cause for Concerns
If at any time you have a concern for a child, come and speak to one of our Designated Safeguarding Leads. You can come and speak to someone at any time or use the contact form to send an email and one of us will get back in touch.
This contact page is monitored all year, including out of school hours.
Medway Customer First phone number 01634 334466
Help to keep your child safe
There is lots of help available through the NSPCC website which helps you keep your child safe. On the site there is help with various topics including:
PANTS so your child knows how to keep their body private
PREVENT so that you are aware of radicalisation
Keeping your child safe online and with social media
Click on this link below to view the NSPCC website which explains more about how to keep children safe.