Pupil Attendance

At Oaklands School, we take attendance very seriously. For your child to do well, we need them to be here as much as possible. The school will only authorise absences under exceptional circumstances, such as your child being too ill to attend school or something outside of your control.

Your child has an entitlement to an education and it can only be successful through regular school attendance. Any period of absence disrupts a child’s learning. Every lesson of your child’s education is very important and regular, punctual attendance at school will ensure a full and active participation in that education.

Attendance Policy

To read our most recent attendance policy, please follow this link.

If you have worries about your child’s attendance, make an appointment to speak to Louisa Jones to see how we can help.

Letting us know if your child is unwell 

If your child is too ill to come to school, please let us know as soon as possible, by telephone on the first day if your child is sick or otherwise unable to attend school.


Telephone on 01634 333820

Email us with attendance@thewestbrooktrust.org

If your child continues to be ill, please keep us informed daily so that we are able to maintain contact with your child and offer help if necessary. Sometimes we can help with work and books.


If your child is suffering from sickness AND diarrhoea they should NOT return to school until they have had 48 hours clear without symptoms. Individual sickness or diarrhoea they should be kept off for 24 hours after symptoms have stopped.

Request for Absence

If there is a need to request time out of school, you will need to complete the Request form below and return it to the school as soon as possible.