Being a Mathematician

Mathematics is a core skills which the children will use over the course of their lives and through many other curriculum areas.  

The skills of mathematics are vast and vital for children.  Not only will the children learn the fluency and recall of numbers but also develop the skills of reasoning and being able to apply their mathematical thinking.  

Core to the teaching of mathematics are the Five Big Ideas of Mastery.

Being a Mathematician

The children will be mathematicians daily.  We organise the teaching into three ‘blocks’ of learning.  Each one is important and focusing the childrens learning on specific elements.  The 5 Big Ideas run through each of the blocks.

Early Morning Maths

Early morning maths focuses on retrival and recall of their previously taught maths.  The childrne will have a series of challenegs to complete whcih focuses on the knowledge they have already learnt.  This builds up their automaticity and conifence.

Mastering Number

In this block,  the children look at mastering their understanding of number.  They aim to develop their rapid recall of number facts and to use this in developing their working memory so when they move onto reasoning and other areas of maths they have a solid foundation of number.

Being a Mathematician

This is the daily maths ‘lesson’.  The children are taught to be mathematicians daily.  They combine their fluency, calculatng and reasoning knowledge over a unit of work for 2-3 weeks.

We build up the learning through the following phases: